July 16th, 2015

Scandinavian style is all the rage right now, and for good reason. This Instagram-worthy style is all about pulling off an eclectic, laid-back vibe with attention to detail and design. Textures also play an important part of making these spaces feel warm and inviting, without being overbearing. Summer heat is in full swing here in […]

July 6th, 2015

Progress at the E Condos site is coming along faster than ever – it’s already time for another construction update! If you missed the previous one,  click here to catch up. We’ve made some major progress in the month of June and, while we’re still in early stages, the site is in great shape and moving on […]

July 2nd, 2015

Staying healthy and active in Toronto has never been easier – and we don’t think the privilege is limited to those in the downtown core. Yonge & Eglinton is developing fast, and with the growing population comes a huge selection of gyms, clean eats, and events to keep them all healthy. This is the second […]

June 25th, 2015

Summerlicious is here, and there’s destination dining close to lots of our newest buildings! We’ve already given you the skinny on where to eat at Yonge & Eg and Yonge & Sheppard – now we’re heading a few notches south to Yorkville. Read on for our favourite picks in one of the Toronto’s most delicious […]

June 19th, 2015

We’re making lots of progress at Exhibit, our development at Bloor and Avenue Road. It’s been almost a whole year since we updated you last – time flies! – and lots has happened in the interim. We’ve gone from the ground floor: …to the 17th floor! This floor is the beginning of the third cube, […]

June 17th, 2015

The city’s biggest warm-weather celebration of food is back, and it’s never been bigger. This year, Summerlicious has added lots of destinations around the city, including an expanded lineup way north of Bloor. We’re thrilled to see Toronto’s growing food scene expanding into Yonge and Eg and Yonge & Sheppard – and since we’ve been in […]

June 12th, 2015

We’re proud of One Yorkville for a lot of reasons. Aside from our prime location and beautiful architecture, we’re also proud to offer one of the most comprehensive amenities packages out there. Our concierge service is unparallelled, both in the range of services we offer and the quality of our discrete, capable staff. Any service […]

June 10th, 2015

Toronto’s art scene, both underground and mainstream, has seen several huge names breeze into town the last couple of years – Basquiat most noticeably among them. It’s fitting, then, that one of Basquiat’s good friends is the focal point of Toronto’s next must-see gallery attraction – Andy Warhol! LA’s Revolver Gallery focuses on exclusively Warhol […]

June 4th, 2015

Toronto is a rapidly changing city, and among all the construction and improvements, our green initiatives can get lost. One of the most significant efforts comes from Evergreen Brickworks. Though you probably know it as an event space, their team has been consistently hustling to solve the problem of urban sustainability for all of us. […]