
What is Vertical Gardening?

We shared some plants we love to have in our condo units, but we realized it doesn’t really speak for those with a mean green-thumb. Some people enjoy gardening and fear that they’re missing out on so much when they move to a condo. In actuality, there’s really a lot of gardening/plant maintenance you can do if you’re up for it.

One of the latest trends is vertical gardening, where you can have a beautiful garden on your balcony/terrace without it taking up too much patio space. Here are some examples: Continue reading

Home Decor: Neutral is the New Black


Home decor is one of our favourite things to write about. How your home is decorated speaks volumes about your personality, style and living habits. For example, if you like antiques then some may think you’re a little more traditional. Sleek and clean designs screams modernity. We’re not picky, we like it all as long as it looks good. For those who are just starting to decorate their homes, or planning their potential new home, then starting off with the neutrals might be your best bet and you can go either modern or traditional with your scheme.

Here are some tips you should look into if you’re thinking of going neutral: Continue reading

Sake in the City: The Best Sake Bars in Toronto

One of our favourite weekend things to do is go for some really good Japanese food. We can’t get enough of sushi and sashimi, and find ourselves checking out every single spot in and around our favourite neighbourhoods. And no sushi meal is complete without a good bottle of sake.

Sake is an alcoholic beverage from Japan that’s made from fermented rice. It’s made from a brewing process, not unlike that of beer, but contains a much higher percentage of alcohol than both beer and wine (undiluted sake contains 18%-20% alcohol). Continue reading

Construction Continues at E Condos

We like to catch up with our team at E Condos at least once a month to check-in on the great progress! This project is near and dear to our hearts as it’s part of an important transformation in the city of one of the most populated neighbourhoods in Toronto. Yonge and Eglinton is in the midst of major changes and we’re proud to be a part of it.


The progress at E Condos is coming along nicely and we’re so excited to tell you about what’s going on! The shoring for the south tower will be complete in the next few weeks and once we’re done shoring, we’ll be moving on to bulk excavation. Get ready Yonge and Eg, we’re going to be digging! We’re also in the process of installing the hoarding at Yonge and Eglinton to protect our neighbours from construction.


The process of building a high-rise tower to stand the test of time is a lengthy one, and we want to make sure that E Condos is created to meet the highest standards. Each process is met with diligence by our amazing construction team and this will guarantee quality across the board at E Condos. Continue reading

How Bazis Builds Sustainable Buildings

We’ve been so enamoured with talks about condo design, wooden buildings and the ever-popular transit versus debate, that we’ve almost forgotten to talk about our own projects! Well, in case you’re wondering – everything is right on track at our various sites, but we are definitely excited for spring! This isn’t going to be a construction-based post, but rather a post highlighting how we build sustainable buildings and why we do it. Continue reading

How It’s Done: Shoring

shoring 2

Creating a building is a complicated endeavor, as we’re sure you’ve realized. Toronto is a city booming with construction professionals working to make beautiful, safe, and long-lasting infrastructure. Creating the things you see around when you walk down the street every day consists of thousands of processes developed by engineers, architects, and city planners. Our condo buildings are no different. The process begins in the drawing-room with ideas and planners and ends at the peak of beautiful buildings all around the city. Want to learn about how the construction process begins and ends? Follow along on our new How It’s Done series, beginning with the first edition: Shoring. Continue reading