Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the final weekend before Christmas which means you better get all your shopping done before it’s Christmas Eve and you’re scrambling! We’re going to give you a quick guide on Christmas shopping, the hours, where to get some complimentary gift wrapping, and where you can find the best special gifts for […]
What can we say? 2014 has been an awesome year for us at E Condos. With so much happening at Yonge and Eglinton and our project making its way into demolition and construction, we can easily say that 2014 has been our best year yet! We wanted to check in with the E Condos team […]
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do a little shopping! With Christmas just a few sleeps away, we took a stroll around our favourite neighbourhood, Yorkville, to see what we could add to our wishlist. Here’s what we found:
It has been a great year for the TTC with lots of new changes and announcements. Our buildings that are currently under construction are in some major transit hot-spots and any changes to the TTC will have an effect on our purchasers day-to-day lives, so we want to give you a run-down of what’s new.
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, a Partridge in a Pear Tree. Ahh, Christmas is so close! Do Christmas carols just pop into your mind automatically with the first snow fall? Do you have visions of sugar plums dancing in your head as soon as December comes around? Since […]
With the cold weather on our minds (can you believe we’ve already been graced with the first snowfall of the season?), it’s only appropriate for us to share our favourite ice buildings on the blog. We’ve found a few that we wouldn’t mind checking out, as long as we have our down-filled jackets and boots […]
We love that some of our favourite attractions in Toronto are turning it up a notch and repurposing their space into something more. We’ve raved about Friday Night Live at the ROM, where the Museum turns into a major party after hours (yes, you can party with the dinosaurs) and now we’re here to tell […]
It’s been a while since we updated you with the progress of Eglinton’s newest transit route, the Eglinton LRT, and we just want to tell you that a lot has happened since our last look at it. You may have heard rumblings about the traffic backups in the area, especially during rush hour, but as […]