November 26th, 2015

The holidays are here, and with them come tons of sparkle, shine and decor – some good, some not so much. Maybe you’re a holiday maximalist, with multi-coloured glass ornaments, fuzzy Santas, tinsel, the works – and that’s great! But if you’re looking for a more minimal, design-minded take on traditional holiday decor, we’ve rounded […]

November 19th, 2015

Fresh has been a popular spot for vegetarians and vegans in the city and we’re lucky to have a location nearby at Yonge and Eglinton! And you don’t have to be a vegetarian to appreciate the delicious flavours and healthy dishes that they have to offer. They make living well taste really, really good. You […]

November 10th, 2015

Have you heard about our newest project, Estates on Bayview? There is so much to be excited about in this luxury townhome community – we love the family-friendly area, the proximity to transit and highways, the amazing schools and shopping, and that’s just the start. While we’re not releasing all the details just yet, there is […]

November 3rd, 2015

When it comes to beautiful and inspiring images, Instagram is the place to go. We could spend hours scrolling through all of the photos and picking out all of the design ideas that we want to steal from people. If you want to fill up your Instagram feed with some of the best of the […]

October 27th, 2015

We have so many exciting updates coming out of our bustling E Condos site at Yonge and Eglinton! Now that the crane is in and the foundation is laid, we’re all ready for the next stage – the raft pour. In the below video, you can see our bustling site after night falls, where we’re pouring concrete […]

October 21st, 2015

2015’s been quite the year for architecture the world over! We’ve seen sexism be broken down, cutting-edge new techniques and designs, and even more integration between the beauty of nature and the incredible structures man can build. Around here, you know we love anything eco-friendly and green, so this trend was of special interest to […]

October 16th, 2015

Who said that you can’t have some fun in uptown Toronto? There’s plenty to do without having to take the whole family downtown. With our new luxury homes coming at Estates on Bayview coming soon, we’re looking forward to showing off what the Bayview area has to offer. Also, colder weather is coming and let’s […]

October 6th, 2015

Welcome to the October construction update for our Yonge and Eglinton project, E Condos! We’re so excited for this development to begin taking shape, and now that our crane is in, progress is coming faster than ever! You might remember about a month ago, we shared this mini construction update where we explained how to […]

September 28th, 2015

Nuit Blanche 2015 is almost here, and we’re so excited! This is the tenth year Toronto will be participating in the festivities, and there’s lots to see! You can check out the whole lineup over on their official site, but we’ve cherrypicked a few of the most promising options for you right here!