It’s an area of Toronto that has a rich history. In the 1960s it was notably a big part of the Toronto bohemian cultural scene. Since then it’s established itself as one of the most luxurious areas of the city and a hot spot for celebrities when they’re visiting the city. The area features world […]
There’s so much to love about the Toronto skyline. When it comes to the skyline around one of the most luxurious areas of the cities, we’re excited to bring a new addition to it soon. 1 Yorkville is our project that’s being built at the corner of Yonge Street and Yorkville Avenue. This 58-storey condo […]
We’ve already highlighted blue, red, and pastels in our colour stories – this time we’re going for gold! Gold never really goes out of style. It’s something timeless to incorporate into your home and it just exudes luxury. That’s why on this edition of our colour stories, we want to put the spotlight on some […]
When it comes to luxurious Toronto neighbourhoods, there are a few that spring to mind – Rosedale, Forest Hill, Yorkville, the Bridle Path. Among those is also Bayview Village, the location of one of our upcoming developments that we’d like you to meet: Estates on Bayview.
Toronto’s cityscape is full of history – but most of you likely already knew that! Thanks to the good people at Heritage Toronto, preserving old buildings and landmarks throughout the city has become a priority here, which is awesome. One of the most famous landmarks in Toronto actually isn’t too far from our project, 1 […]
When people travel to Paris, one of the first things they usually asked is, “did you see the Eiffel Tower?” and the answer is always yes. But, did they see the Arc de Triomphe? It is one of Paris’ most famous monuments, built in 1806, and took nearly 30 years to finish!
If you’ve been near Avenue and Bloor recently you may have noticed Exhibit, our stunning condo that’s going up just across the street from the ROM. Overlooking the ROM’s crystal addition designed by Daniel Libeskind, Exhibit is a four cube structure adding to the dramatic architecture of the area.
It’s no secret that we love to lurk amazing interior designers on Instagram. It’s the perfect place to get some design inspiration, keep up to date with the latest home decor trends, and even scope out a designer you’d love to work with in your own home. We’re happy to report that there are a […]
The first warm days of spring serve as a startling reminder that soon we’ll have to shed our layers, our comfy (albeit bulky) sweaters, and don our summer wardrobe. For some this news is welcome, while for others, this means the horror that is bathing suit season. Whether you look forward to dusting off your […]