Like many construction sites across the city, we too have been affected by the extreme cold weather conditions and this has led to some construction delays. For much of the winter, it has been too cold to pour concrete and on some days we’ve had to shut down the site because conditions have been too dangerous for our construction crew to work under.
Nevertheless we have not let the cold weather and delays get us down and we’ve been working whenever we get the chance.
Over the next few weeks we’re going to work on three different parts of the tower at the same time. We’re going to work on some of the ground floors, the third and fourth floors, and we’re also going to start working on the amenities.
We also aim to have work on the low-rise elevators finished and then we’ll move on the high-rise elevators.
We’re definitely looking forward to the weather warming up so that we can get back to making as much progress as we made last year.